esyndico ®

Advanced Communication

Get in touch with your property manager easily, or check the community calendar to see what events are happening this weekend. With esyndico®, you’re never out of the loop or left wondering what’s going on with your lease or rent.

Advanced Communication
Ubiquity & reliability

Ubiquity & reliability

Check in from your mobile phone or tablet — esyndico® makes it easy to connect with the right processes or people. The reliable cloud-based technology ensures access anytime.

Custom dashboard reporting

Customize your esyndico® view to see what’s important to you, including owed and paid rents and other fees. Within seconds, you can see the status of your lease or whether management has responded to a concern or work request.

Custom Dashboard Reporting
Advanced Accounting

Advanced accounting

Pay your rent or HOA fees quickly via a method that works for you. With esyndico®, no one is tied to antiquated rent processes that limit payments to cash or check.

All-in-one solution

Don’t worry about multiple logins or which system you’re supposed to use for various queries. Log into esyndico® to pay your rent, see community events and send property management a note about the state of your water heater.

All-in-one solution
Tenant Chatbox

Tenant Chat

Get a fast response to quick queries via chat options. Let the property office know you’re expecting a package or ask about use of the common areas for an upcoming party you want to throw. The communication benefits are endless.

IT or Tech hands-free

Since esyndico® is Plug-and-Play, it’s easy to install and use. That means no time spent on frustrating implementations or installations; if you want to join your community on the platform, you simply download an app.

IT or Tech hands-free